The Non-Binary Softball Nomad

The Non-Binary Softball Nomad

June 15th, 2021 By Carter Cromwell [NOTE: Alyson Spinas-Valainis is non-binary, meaning they do not specifically identify with either gender.  Therefore, the following article employs the pronouns “they” and “them” in reference to Spinas-Valainis.] That Alyson...
Regensburg Legionaere; Europe’s Baseball Oasis

Regensburg Legionaere; Europe’s Baseball Oasis

August 24, 2020 By Carter Cromwell It’s a pretty good bet that most non-Europeans aren’t familiar with the city of Regensburg.  It’s an even better bet that most baseball followers don’t know about it.  To the average fan, the terms “Regensburg” and “baseball” don’t...